Intelesoft Financials

10 Ways Of Tax Saving, You Might Not Be Aware of Yet​

An unexpected tax bill can ruin anybody’s day. To help avoid that unpleasant surprise, here are 10 easy moves you can make to cut your tax bills.

1. Tweak your W-4 & Stash money in your 401(k)

The W-4 is a form you give to your employer, instructing it on how much tax to withhold from each paycheck.

* If you got a huge tax bill this year and don’t want another surprise next year, raise your withholding, so you owe less next April.
* If you have an enormous refund, the complete opposite, and also minimize your withholding – normally, you might be unnecessarily living on less of your paycheck throughout the season.
* You can change your W 4 at any time.

Less taxable revenue means less tax, and 401(k)s are perhaps the best way to minimize tax bills. The Irs does not tax what you divert directly from your paycheck into a 401(k).

* For 2019, you can funnel up to $19,000 per year into an account.
* If you’re 50 or older, you can contribute an extra $6,000.
* These retirement accounts are usually sponsored by employers, although self-employed people can open their own 401(k)s. And if your employer matches some or all of your contribution, you’ll get free money to boot.

2. Contribute to an IRA

here are two major types of individual retirement accounts: Roth IRAs and traditional IRAs.
You may be able to deduct contributions to a traditional IRA, though how much you can deduct depends on whether a retirement plan at work covers you or your spouse and how much you make.

For the 2019 tax year, you may not be able to deduct your contributions if a retirement plan at work covers you, you’re married and filing jointly, and your modified adjusted gross income was $123,000 or more.
There are limits to how much you can put in an IRA, too:

For 2019, the limits were $6,000 per year or $7,000 for people 50 or older.
Until the April tax deadline, you have to fund your IRA for the previous tax year, which gives you extra time to take advantage of this strategy.

3. Save For College

Setting aside money for Junior’s tuition can save a couple of bucks off your tax bill, also. A popular alternative usually contributes to a 529 strategy and a savings account operated by the educational institution or a state. You cannot deduct your contributions from your federal income taxes. However, you may have the opportunity to on your state return if you are putting money in your state‘s 529 programs. Be aware, too, that there may be gift tax consequences if your contributions plus any other gifts to a particular beneficiary exceed $15,000.

4.Fund Your FSA & Subscribe Your Department Care FSA

The IRS lets you funnel tax-free dollars directly from your paycheck into your FSA every year, so if your employer offers a flexible spending account, you might want to take advantage of it to lower your tax bill.
* In 2019, the limit is $2,700.
* You’ll have to use the money during the calendar year for medical and dental expenses, but you might also be able to use it for related everyday items such as bandages, pregnancy test kits, breast pumps, and acupuncture for yourself and your qualified dependent.
* Some employers might let you carry up to $500 over to the next year.

This FSA with a twist is another handy way to reduce your tax bill — if your employer offers it.
* The IRS will exclude up to $5,000 of your pay that you have your employer divert to a Dependent Care FSA account, which means you’ll avoid paying taxes on that money. That can be a huge win for parents of kids under 13 because before- and after-school care, daycare, preschool, and day camps usually are allowed uses.
* Eldercare may be included, too.
* What’s covered can vary among employers, so check out your plan’s documents.

5. Rock Your HSA

If you have a high-deductible health care plan, you may be able to reduce your tax burden by contributing to a health savings account, which is a tax-exempt account that you can use to pay medical expenses.

* Contributions to HSAs are tax-deductible, and withdrawals are also tax-free, as long as you use them for qualified medical expenses.
* For 2019, if you have high-deductible health coverage on your own, you can contribute up to $3,500.
* If you have high-deductible family coverage, you can contribute up to $7,000 in 2019.
* Your employer may offer an HSA, but you may also be able to start your own account with a bank or other financial institution.

6.See if you’re eligible for the earned Income Tax Credit(EITC)

The rules can get complex, but if you earned less than $56,000, the earned income tax credit might be worth looking into. Depending on your income, marital status, and how many children you have, you might qualify for a tax credit of more than $6,000 in 2019.

A tax credit is a dollar-for-dollar reduction in your actual tax bill instead of a tax deduction, which reduces how much of your income gets taxed. It’s truly found money because if a credit reduces your tax bill below zero, the IRS might refund some or all of the money to you, depending on the credit.

7.Give it away

Charitable contributions are deductible, and they don’t even have to be in cash.
If you’ve donated clothes, food, old sporting gear, or household items, for example, those things can lower your tax bill if they went to a bona fide charity and you got a receipt.

Many tax software programs include modules that estimate the value of each item you donate, so make a list before you drop off that big bag of stuff at Goodwill — it can add up to big deductions.

8. If you’ve been in the hospital or had other costly medical or dental care, keep those receipts.

In general, you can deduct qualified medical expenses that are more than 10% of your adjusted gross income for that tax year. So, for example, if your adjusted gross income is $40,000, anything beyond the first $4,000 of your medical bills — 10% of your AGI — could be deductible. If you rang up $10,000 in medical bills, $6,000 of it could be deductible in this example.

9. Sell those dogs weighing down your portfolio

Knowing you’re getting a tax deduction might make it a little easier to unload some of those bad stock picks that have been weighing down your portfolio.
* You can deduct losses on stock sales, which can offset any taxable capital gains you might have. The limit on that offset is $3,000, or $1,500 for married couples filing separately.
* One other note: Never let tax avoidance become a substitute for wise investing. Sell a stock only if it truly doesn’t work for your portfolio anymore. Don’t do it to get a tax break because if you decide to buy back your stock within 30 days, the IRS can take back your deduction.

10. Get the timing right

From a tax perspective, there’s a huge difference between doing something on Dec. 31 and doing it a day later. If you know an upcoming expense will be tax-deductible, think about whether you can pay for it this year rather than next year. Making January’s mortgage payment in December, for example, could give you an extra month’s worth of mortgage interest to deduct this year. Similarly, if you know you’re near the threshold for the medical expenses deduction, moving that root canal up might make the pain more bearable if the cost suddenly becomes deductible, too.

Top Facts About IRS Form 1040, Of which you might not be aware!

Form 1040 an IRS tax form used by personal federal income tax returns filed by United States residents. There were different income tax forms to cover simple to complex tax situations like 1040EZ, the 1040A, and 1040. Now everything is being covered in just Form 1040.

What exactly the IRS Form 1040 does?

The IRS Form 1040 is one of the official documents that U.S. taxpayers can use to file their annual income tax returns. The form is divided into sections where you can report your income and deductions to determine the amount of tax you owe or the refund you can expect.

Asks who you are?

Form 1040 gathers basic below information;

* Who You Are?
* What filing status you’re going to use?
* How many tax dependents you have?

Calculates taxable income

Form 1040 gathers all the information of your income for the entire year and conforming all the deductions you’d like to claim. The ultimate goal is to calculate your taxable income, which is the amount of your income subject to income tax.

Calculates your tax liability

There is a section at the bottom of Form 1040; you’ll mention here how much income tax you have to pay. At that point, you need to make sure to subtract any tax credits that you might eligible for, as well as any taxes you’ve already paid via withholding taxes on your paychecks during the year.

Make sure whether you have already paid some or all of your tax bill.

Form 1040 also helps you calculate if the tax credits and withholding taxes are being covered in the bill. If they do not, you may have to pay the remaining when you file your Form 1040. Assuming you have paid out excessively, you will receive a tax refund. There is a spot in Form 1040 where you can let the IRS know where to send money.

How To Get Form 1040?

* There is much software that can be used for filing your return, and if you do so, you will answer questions and provide details that are written into your Form 1040 entries. You should be able to submit your Form 1040 to the IRS online and print or make copies of your records.

* Click the link below if you wish to fill out your return by yourself.


* If you are looking for your tax returns from past years, you can request an IRS transcript.

Schedules for Form 1040

There are six schedules that you may or may not have to use apart from Form 1040. It completely depends upon your tax situation and If you want to claim any particular deductions and credits. There may be some individuals not required to file any of these schedules.

Schedule 1: Additional income and adjustments to income

File this if you had any of these

  • Alimony income or payments
  • Business income (you probably also need to file a Schedule C)
  • Capital gains or losses (you may also need to file a Schedule D)
  • Rental income (you may also need to file a Schedule E)
  • Farm income
  • Prize or gambling winnings
  • Unemployment income
  • Educator expenses
  • Deductible moving expenses
  • The health savings account deduction
  • Deductible health insurance expenses
  • Student loan interest
  • Deductible retirement contributions

Schedule 2: Non-refundable credits
File this if you owe any of these:

  • Alternative minimum tax
  • Excess advance premium tax credit repayment

Schedule 3: Tax
File this if you want to claim any of these:

  • Foreign tax credit
  • Credit for child and dependent care expenses
  • Education credits
  • Retirement savings contributions credit (the Saver’s Credit)
  • Residential energy credit
  • General business credit

Schedule 4: Other taxes
File this if you owe any of these:

  • Self-employment tax
  • Additional taxes on IRAs, retirement plans, or other tax-favored accounts
  • Household employment taxes
  • Repayment of the first-time homebuyer credit
  • Additional Medicare tax
  • Net investment income tax

Schedule 5: Other payments and refundable credits
File this if you plan to:

  • Claim a refundable tax credit other than the earned income tax credit, American Opportunity credit, or additional child tax credit.
  • Make a tax payment associated with getting a tax extension or excess Social Security withheld.

Schedule 6: Foreign address and third party designee
File this if you:

  • Have an address outside the United States
  • Want to allow someone else to discuss your return with the IRS

Importance Of Accounting In Business​

The importance of accurate financial statements can not be underestimated by stakeholders in any type of business. Balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement, statement of stockholder’s equity, and others are the major things to look out for while going through financial and account statements. Valuable data can be gleaned through finance and accounting services, which can play a significant part in scheduling policies, decision-making, estimating failures, and can even determine the success of your company and how it is presented to the globe.

Importance of finance and accounting services for any industry:


Indeed, even the lowest figures on the balance sheet can create an enormous difference in the company. Financial statements should be evident and easy to understand as individuals make enormous choices on the basis of financial reports. An opaque and complicated financial report does not offer potential investors a clear concept of the future development of a business when it comes to risk involvement. An organization may report a particular amount of income earned. For any company, profit before and after-tax, profit after interest, depreciation, and tax are significant variables that transmit significant data to all shareholders and stakeholders. That is why transparency is essential in finance and accounting.


Tax Liability:

In the corporate world, the tax rate is quite high. This is especially true when organizations make significant profits. Once taxes are paid to the state, the profits left to the owners/investors are very small, which can sometimes be shocking. Would they have been able to reduce their tax rate? If yes, then the point that arises is that they require financial and accounting services, otherwise, after some moment, all their resources could be drained within a short period of time. On the other side, the government’s financial and accounting statements are essential because a number of organizations are refocusing their accounts simply to refrain from paying taxes.

Lessen Errors:

Finance and accounting statements indicate whether any errors have occurred during the accounting process. Through inconsistencies in figures, we can determine whether there has been any illegal activity that makes it simpler to be held accountable for any such activity. On the other side, if any error has been made, the reconciliation of accounts can uncover it. That’s why every organization invests a lot of energy in accommodating their record book and checking every section so that they can find out if someone messed up with the financial part of the company (or if there was any mistake in accounting). Incorrect financial reporting makes it possible to cover up the losses of a company that generates a poor reputation for an organization. That’s why every organization should concentrate on its accounting methods.

Build Trust:

An accurate financial statement creates a great impact as it induces trust in the company. All investors want to make sure the business is doing well if they are going to spend their hard-earned cash on it. Through comprehensive and precise balance sheets, businesses demonstrate their profits, but sometimes even conceal their losses. Many large-scale companies have even filed for bankruptcy and shut down due to fudging of financial statements. That is why governments have made accounting and enforcement laws stricter than ever before.

Improved Payment Cycles:

Financial statements play a key role in optimizing the cycles of accounts payable and receivable. Outgoing payments in a business require daily wages, salaries, profits to be paid to investors, stocks to be supervised and lenders to be paid. All of these can not be done if the numbers don’t tally up. If a loan is pending, the organization should understand how much interest it needs to pay. Payment cycles can only be enhanced through proper accounting.

Better Decision Making, Planning, and Forecasting:

An organization requires more funds to grow its company; the accountant would look at the balance sheet and then choose what kind of funding they can afford. When the time comes for the organization to pay the profit, the CFO would look at the profits that have been made, the debts that had to be paid off, the measures taken for the different reserves, and be able to make a wise choice that would help increase the profit margins of the company. Finance and accounting services open a window for strategic planning and sound decision-making. The organization’s financial statements show all the cash flows, trading accounts, how much the business makes, how much money it needs, how much it has in reserve, and how it proposes to increase its revenues to boost its funding.

In the US, businesses outsource their finance and accounting services to maximize cash flow and boost the profitability of businesses. Intelesoft Financial offers end-to-end finance and accounting services in accordance with client demands. Intelesoft Fianncials promotes worldwide leaders with up-to-date in-house software and latest technologies such as Sage, MYOB, QuickBooks and others.Intelesoft Financials is providing services such as:

  • Accounts Payable Services
  • Accounts Receivables Services
  • Bookkeeping Services
  • Payroll Processing Services
  • Tax Preparation Services
  • Global Accounting

The points mentioned above underscore why it is essential for organizations to ensure that their financial accounting services are kept up to date and effective so that companies can operate smoothly and successfully.

Accounting is essential, regardless of the size of the business, because it demonstrates the health of the business. You can monitor cash flow, assets, expenditures, equity, etc., on a monthly or quarterly basis to get an idea of how you’re doing and create plans to grow if you can.

This is particularly crucial for bigger or public companies because you need to report to investors / seeds or shareholders, respectively. Accounting enables transparency in the business and demonstrates to investors/shareholders how the business operates, its assets, liabilities, equity, revenues, cash flow, lawsuits, etc.

Intelsoft Financials is known as the best Accounting Firm in the US. we are a full-service accounting firm serving clients throughout the US dedicated to providing our clients with professional, personalized services and guidance in a wide range of financial and business needs.

Do you believe your Bookkeeping expenses are excessively high?

very company wants to maintain well-formatted bookkeeping. There are different elements of any business that need to be correctly mentioned in bookkeeping.

Why is Bookkeeping essential for any business?

  • Bookkeeping keeps the records of all the business activities in a precise arrangement.
  • Having adequate tax-related accountability is the primary objective of keeping adequate bookkeeping.
  • The business can acquire an adequate understanding of their cash flow and the sources where the money is coming.
  • They assist companies in taking concrete steps to decrease their costs.
  • They allow company owners or managers to make significant decisions for company development.


Bookkeeping isn’t as simple as it seems, so it’s not simpler for company owners to take that additional time and effort to keep all bookkeeping operations going. Business owners and managers also have another significant job to do in a very skilled manner.
Most successful businesses prefer to employ a remote accountant who can manage their business; giving the third party a bookkeeping activity or recruiting a distant accountant will be of great benefit to the company.

Here are some of the advantages of employing Intelesoft Financials for your business:

1.With over more than 20 years of experience, we have the extensive knowledge and skills to properly do each of the operations.
2.There is no additional burden on management for employing and handling an additional resource for bookkeeping activities.
3.Our team has excellent financial intelligence, and we are capable of well-formatting your stuff.
4.We will take care of all the manual procedures that might have been hard to handle.
5.We provide standardized reports on the bookkeeping activities that can help the business owners and managers to get proper insight regarding the business for taking the important business decision.

Looking at all the benefits of employing a remote accountant to maintain all of the bookkeeping operations, the businesses will ensure that they invest their time, costs, and efforts in the right direction. Intelesoft Financials is one such company that has been very efficient, providing one of the best accounting services across various businesses. We have a straightforward and effective working methodology that helps attain maximum output for our clients.


Work methodologies of Intelesoft Financials:

1.While working for the client, we work on VPN, RDP, or TeamViewer’s virtual technology and complete the work on a computer.
2.Use of cloud software to ensure adequate accounting data is maintained on a safe platform.
3.We use software like Quickbooks, Xero, MYOB, Wave apps, etc.
4.Having a proper reporting system on the bookkeeping activities.

Intelesoft Financials is dedicated to providing a low price of adequate remote accounting service. We are very skilled in providing our customers with adequate services.


  • Working of LLC
  • Calculation of Sales tax and filing of Sales Tax returns
  • Calculation of Payroll taxes and filing of returns with State and Federal
  • Calculation of Texas, California, New York Payroll taxes
  • Calculation of Federal Payroll taxes
  • Payroll tax reconciliation and calculations ( State and Federal Taxes)
  • Working with credit card integrations like Shopify, Paypal, Stripe,, etc
  • Franchise Tax calculations


  • CPA Firms
  • Bookkeepers
  • Internet Lead Generation Specialist
  • Doctors
  • Lawyer
  • Barbers Chain Shop
  • Internet Marketing companies
  • Interior Designers
  • Information Technology

Trading Companies

  • Cloth
  • Grocery Traders
  • Printing Chain Shops
  • Oil traders

Real Estate

  • Dealers
  • Brokers
  • Construction Companies

Manufacturing Concerns

  • Uniform manufacturer
  • Fencing metal strips
  • Gold mines
  • Mountain Stones
  • Tape manufacturing

E-Commerce and Online Traders

  • Amazon Traders
  • Sellers on other Platforms.

Farmers Cooperative

Grass Cutter Team


We are specialized in using the below add-ons for Xero and QuickBooks:


  • Receipt Bank
  • Shoe Boxed


  • Shopify
  • Zoho Invoice


  • Trade Gecko
  • Stitch Labs


  • ADP Payroll
  • Fathom Reporting
  • Spot Light Reporting

3 Essential Tax Tips You Might Not Be Aware Of

Form W 4 directs your employer just how much tax to withhold from every paycheck. Here is how you can make it fit you;


The majority of people cross paths with a W 4 form; however, not every person realizes just how much power the W 4 has over their tax bills. Here is precisely what a form W 4 is, how to fill it out, and how you can utilize it to create your tax living much better.

What is a W-4 form?

* A W 4 form, which is technically named “Employee’s Withholding Allowance Certificate,” directs your employer just how much tax to withhold from every paycheck.

*Your employer remits the tax to the IRS on your behalf.

*At the end of the year, your employer will send you a W 2 showing (among various other things) just how much it withheld for you that year.

*The Irs has introduced the new W 4 type in the works, though it will be for the 2020 tax season (not 2019). There is a probability that your employer can ask you to complete the new W 4 in the next season, and it can be a great excuse to discuss your withholdings.

How To Fill Out A W4 form?

* You will most likely complete a W-4 if you start a job, though you can change the W-4 at any time. Click here to download it, fill it out, and submit it to the payroll department.

* This is the easy part to supply your name, address, marital status along with other standard private info. The tough part is choosing the number of allowances to claim.

* Do not panic when you do not understand how to fill out a W 4. The W 4 form has an allowances worksheet that will help you determine how many to claim.

* The more allowances you claim, the less tax will be withheld from your paycheck.

* Find the most important parts of a w4 below.

The difference between a W-4 and a W-2

Do not confuse the W-4 with the W-2.IRS Form W-2 officially referred to as the Wage and Tax Statement, details how much you have been paid by the employer and how much withholding tax has been deducted from your salary during the tax year. Freelancers or contract employees usually get 1099s from their customers, not W-2s. Employers must send W-2 to staff by the end of January each year.

The best way to fill out Form W-4

Here’s the general strategy:

* If you have a huge tax bill in April and don’t want another one, you can use Form W-4 to raise your withholding. That’s going to assist you to owe less (or nothing) next April.

* If you received an enormous refund last year, you’re offering the government a free loan, and you’re going to have to live on less of your paycheck all year. Consider using Form W-4 to reduce your withholding.

* The more allowances you request, the less tax you will get from your paycheck.


Tips for filling out a W-4 form

1. See if you are excluded from withholding.

Being excluded means that your employer will not withhold federal income tax from your pay. (Social Security and Medicare taxes are still coming out of your check, though.)

There are only two ways that can help you excluded from withholding:

* You received a refund of all your federal income tax withheld last year because you had no tax liability, and
* you expect the same thing to happen this year.

2. Be strategic about personal allowances & Get familiar with your withholdings.

The exact amount your employer withholds depends on how much you earn and what you place on Form W-4. There are three things in the mix:

* Whether you’re single or married
* How many withholding allowances you claim
* Whether you want any extra money withheld

The more allowances you claim, the less tax you withhold. Here are some examples of things that give you an allowance:

* Having a spouse
* Having kids
* Filing as head of household on your tax return

If you need more help, then the IRS’ W-4 Calculator can help you calculate allowances and account for certain tax deductions.

In case you come up with a two [for allowances] and also you would like a bigger refund, then lower it down to one. Next, check out your next paycheck to find out exactly how much more money was withheld. Then you are able to begin annualizing what your withholdings are going be at the end of the year.

3. File a new W-4 form when life changes.

You can change the W-4 at any time. If any of these things happen to you during the year, update your W-4 to ensure that your allowances and withholdings reflect your tax life:

* You get married or divorced
* You have a kid
* You buy a house
* You take a pay cut or get a big raise
* You work only part of the year
* You have a lot of dividend income
* You or your spouse freelance on the side