Individual Tax Returns.
We deliver highly accurate results!
Over the years, literally, 1000’s Federal and State returns have been prepared and filed. Our practice has gained the experience and knowledge to navigate your specific personal frameworks and achieve the desired results on your return with strong professional integrity. Some common areas that we handle daily:
- Self-employment/contractor/freelancer income
- Rental property
- Sale of Home
- Equity Compensation. For example, RSU, ESPP, ISO, NSO, etc.
- Multi-state allocation
- Company IPO, merger & acquisition
- Cryptocurrency
- Foreign Income Exclusion & Foreign Tax Credit
Past Due Tax Returns.
Reconciliation of past records and past-due tax returns.
We have often been asked to reconcile past records and past-due tax returns. Even if you’ve lost your W2s, 1099s, or other business and personal records during the progress of time, our team is going to help you sort your records. There are several methods of obtaining past information from the IRS, such as forms requesting information from previous W2s and 1099s submitted by your employers, and account transcripts detailing balances to the IRS. The process is much simpler than expected, and our team will assist you through getting the appropriate materials to correct and file your previous -year taxes without missing information that may reduce your tax liability.
Resolve any IRS Charges ASAP.
Past-due returns impose (at least ) two types of fines: failure to file and failure to pay. It is necessary to respond as quickly as possible to begin to resolve any IRS charges. We can assist estimate potential failure to file and failure to pay fines imposed by clients who have failed to file returns for previous years and can help ensure that returns are properly filed. Intelesoft Financials and team offer tax preparation services. We‘re providing a robust and efficient experience. Give us a call today to learn more about our individual tax services.
We are IRS Certifying Acceptance Agents and will be pleased to receive your ITIN. Over the last six years, our success rate has been 100 percent.
Past-due returns impose (at least ) two types of fines: failure to file and failure to pay. It is necessary to respond as quickly as possible to begin to resolve any IRS charges. We can assist estimate potential failure to file and failure to pay fines imposed by clients who have failed to file returns for previous years and can help ensure that returns are properly filed. Intelesoft Financials and team offer tax preparation services. We‘re providing a robust and efficient experience. Give us a call today to learn more about our individual tax services.
- Without a CAA (Certifying Acceptance Agent), proof of identity and foreign status must be sent to the IRS, which means that you’ll be sending your passport to the IRS office in Austin, Texas. This may take weeks to complete, and many people feel uncomfortable putting information like this in the mail. As CAAs, we agree with the IRS to ensure your identification documents on our own, thus eliminating the need for you to send them to the IRS.
- We have a committed service team directly to the IRS and direct e-mail contact with the ITIN office in Austin. The individual taxpayer does not have this and would have to correspond by mail, which would significantly extend the process if any problems arise in the ITIN process.
- The most important reason for using the CAA is that you would have expert advice for the entire ITIN process to ensure that you complete each item correctly. This type of assistance is not applicable through the IRS. We have served many other clients, and our knowledge base brings great results.
Accounting, bookkeeping, and tax tips to help you understand your small business finances.
“Intelesoft Financials” offers several newsletters containing timely information and expert analysis to help your organization maintain its competitive edge. With subject matter addressing a wide range of industries and topics, we are sure to have information from which you can benefit. In addition, our firm’s general e-newsletter, Keeping Posted, offers information ranging from tax laws and incentives to how you can more effectively run your business.